Thank You So much For Sharing Your Story

Calling all superheroes with hearts of gold! 🌟 Picture this: I'm on a mission to help make the world a better place, armed with my trusty Ditch & Switch recommendations. Nothing fills my gratitude bucket faster than hearing your incredible stories of how these superhero-worthy tips have transformed your everyday lives!

But wait, there's a superhero-shaped gap on this page, and it's reserved just for you! If you're the kind of hero who finds pure joy in making a positive impact on others, it's time to step into the spotlight. Share your extraordinary story, and get ready to be featured as the next superhero on this epic page of triumphs! Together, we're a league of happiness heroes, making the world a better place, one Ditch & Switch at a time. 💪✨

Gratitude Bucket

"You've Been A Great Leader This Year"

"You’ve been a great leader this year, and put in more effort than I think I've seen in anyone in top leadership, myself included. I appreciate everything you’ve done for us [as chapter president]. And I still have my plant from the beginning of the year! I’ve even started propagating it into other little guys.☺️"

Katrina is one of my Business Network International (BNI) referral partners who is brilliant at helping people better manage their workflows and clutter so they can "make room for what they love." I highly recommend her! 

KATRINA HAMILTON @Katrina.Consults

Business Network International(BNI) referral partner

"I trust Tanea + her Resources Immensely." 

The information and research that Tanea shares with her followers is incredibly valuable. Her passion for decreasing the toxins in your household comes through in her blogs and website, and it is comforting to know she is here to help me find non-toxic solutions for my family. I trust Tanea and her resources immensely to help guide me toward safe choices for my home and family. Thank you Tanea!


Wellness Advocate  

do you feel like this?

My recommendations Will help you if….

you are ready to decrease your personal toxic load
you are trying to live as healthy and long as possible
you feel overwhelmed
you don't know where to start
you have health conditions that require you to avoid certain chemicals
you are trying to get pregnant and want to decrease fertility-disrupting chemicals for you and your partner 

Decreasing your personal toxic load doesn't have to be daunting. Follow me and we'll do it together!

I will help you... 

learn which toxic ingredients to avoid
find non-toxic product swaps 
worry less about toxic build-up
improve your indoor air quality 
find answers to your questions
become a better steward of the earth 
become more mindful 
find community 
stay informed  
feel healthier!

Are you ready?

This space is calling your name! Will you help me have another fulfilled day by sharing your personal story of how my Ditch & Switch recommendations have helped you make positive changes in your life? Click here to share on my facebook page.

Your Name Here 

Your Descriptor

Your Ditch & Switch Story Here

Help me have another awesome day by hearing how my deep dive blog articles, social media posts or conversations inspired you to decrease your toxins! I'd like to feature your story here and your business or social media links, if that's helpful to you.

Click here to share your story on my facebook page.

Your Name 

Your Descriptor

Eco-Super Heroes
Eco-Super Heroes

Your Ditch & Switch Story Here

Help me have another awesome day by hearing how my deep dive blog articles, social media posts or conversations inspired you to decrease your toxins! I'd like to feature your story here and your business or social media links, if that's helpful to you. 

Your Name

Your Descriptor 

Let's chat

Are You fired up?

Do you feel as fired about low-toxin living as I do? Are you ready to unleash your inner superhero and dive into the world of low-toxin living?

Picture this: You, a fearless leader of the Low-Toxin League, teaching others the art of toxin evasion. It's like having your own superhero academy for clean living! If you're up for the challenge and ready to share your anti-toxin wisdom, let's have a chat. Together, we'll create a toxin-free world, one small business and home at a time. Because saving the day is great, but saving it toxin-free? Now that's superhero-level stuff!

Help me have another awesome day by hearing how my deep dive blog articles, social media posts or conversations inspired you to decrease your toxins! I'd like to feature your story here and your business or social media links, if that's helpful to you. Click here to share your story on my facebook page. 

Your Name Here 

Your Descriptor 

Supercharge Your Life: Scan, Ditch & Switch with Our Hero-Approved Apps 

Ever wonder if your everyday products are secretly plotting against your well-being and Mother Earth's happiness? Fear not! It's time to take control of your destiny and be the guardian the Earth needs.

Grab your virtual cape and download my favorite healthy/eco-products smartphone apps list – the superheroes of scanning! Unleash them on your products, and voila! Toxicity scores revealed! 

Now, if you spot villains in your stash that need a serious ditch & switch, come back and discover the alternatives I personally use and recommend. Together, we'll rescue the planet, one app scan at a time. Let the eco-rescue begin! 



Looking to fight the forces of toxins lurking in everyday products? Check out my low-tox product recommendations and reach out if you want to explore joining my toxin-busting superhero squad. Your body and the Earth will thank you!

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