In-Home PFAS Water Filters

Is Bottled Water Healthier?

Are Plastic One-Time Use Water Bottles Healthier? As quoted in a recent USA TODAY article: "Researchers at the State University of New York at Fredonia and non-profit journalism organization Orb Media previously
The Planet Is In Our Hands

Human Impacts On The Environment

Do you need more reasons to do your part? Human behaviors are changing the world's ecosystems and I personally feel that we can do better. Amazing organizations like the World Wildlife
health span

Top 10 Low-Toxin Living Tips

SMALL SWITCHES MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE Most Chemicals of Concern Are Tied To: Cancers, Immune-System DysfunctionReproductive & Developmental Challenges Choose products packaged in glass as much as possible, because glass does not leach
NASA Houseplant Study

Purify Indoor Air With Plants

Help Purify Your Indoor Air With Plants Why should you consider purifying your indoor air with houseplants? According to the U.S. EPA, "concentrations of many Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are consistently
eco friendly gifts

Eco-Friendly Gifts

Looking for gift ideas that will make your friends and the planet happy? Check out my Eco-Friendly Gift Giving Guide, a collection of stuff that I actually use. Get inspired to give the gift of health, minus the boring preachy stuff.