Ditch & Switch 
to Healthier Picks:
Vetted & Tried by Me,
Chosen for My Family

Tanea Stephens

Hi there

My name is Tanea Stephens

I’m a former public relations professional turned entrepreneur, business networking coach & conservation steward who's passionate about decreasing the toxic chemical load for me, my family, Mother Earth and all Her inhabitants. I'm on a mission to dive deep into the science and try all the poor performing alternative products so you don't have to and regularly share my favorite Ditch & Switch recommendations on my blog and shop page. Follow along with me. Let's live healthier longer & make the world a better place. Together.

 Recent Ditch & Switch Recommendations

Tap Water Filters

Check Out The Filters We Use At Home 

Forever Chemicals are on Their Way Out!

Many U.S. states are finally phasing out PFAS, also known as “forever chemicals,” from products like waterproof jackets and outdoor gear. 🌧️💧But we have a big problem with contaminated drinking water. Why wait around until the harmful chemicals are filtered when high-quality water filter pitchers are available now?

My Lifestyle Tips Are for you if:

You want to decrease your personal toxic load and that of your family
You are an expectant Mom who wants to keep your baby as toxin-free as possible
You are a parent who wants your child to have healthy hormonal health 
You want to decrease the toxic footprint you leave on the Earth
You want to live as healthy and long as you possibly can
You want to make healthier lifestyle choices when you can
You want low-toxin product switch recommendations 

My Tips are  NOT for you if:

You don’t like the idea of swapping out your favorite products
Your motto is “We’re All Going To Die Someday Anyway”
The idea of finding new brands and ways of approaching problems seems too daunting
You think natural products are only for hippies
You have all of your faith in the U.S. government to protect the health and well-being of you and Earth’s inhabitants
You don't want low-toxin product switch recommendations



Looking to fight the forces of toxins lurking in everyday products? Check out my low-tox product recommendations and reach out if you want to explore joining my toxin-busting superhero squad. Your body and the Earth will thank you!

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